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March 27, 2023

East Bali FAQ

East Bali FAQ
The Peaceful Bay of Amed. A Diving Mecca on East Bali.

We welcome you to the stunning and varied East Bali region! This region, found on the eastern coast of Bali, offers a unique combination of Bali’s natural beauty, cultural diversity, and exciting new experiences. There is something for every kind of traveler to experience here, from breathtaking beaches and lush tropical woods to centuries-old temples and charming local communities.

It’s natural to have questions regarding what to anticipate when traveling around East Bali, regardless of whether this is your first time visiting Bali or you’ve been there many times before. Because of this, we put together this list of frequently asked questions to help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in this beautiful area.

This travel guide will address some of the most frequently asked questions about traveling to East Bali, such as the best time to go, how to get around, and what attractions and activities to see and do. During your journey, we will also advise you on how to behave appropriately in other cultures, how to be safe, and where to stay.

To have a positive and secure time in East Bali, we want to ensure you have access to all relevant information. East Bali is a place that is sure to leave a lasting impression, whether you want to see the area’s natural beauty, learn more about the culture and history of the Balinese people, or relax on the beach. So let’s get started, and learn everything there is to know about this beautiful place, shall we?

What are the top attractions to visit in East Bali?

East Bali is a part of the island and home to a wide variety of tourist destinations, meaning that it can accommodate virtually any style of vacationer. The following is a list of some of the most popular tourist destinations in East Bali:

Mount Agung

Mount Agung, the highest point on the island of Bali, dominates the scenery of East Bali. Hikers can climb to the peak’s top, giving them a breathtaking view of the land around them.

Besakih Temple

One of the most significant temples in Bali is the Besakih Temple, also called the “Mother Temple.” It is a prayer site for Hindus from around Bali, and its location on the slopes of Mount Agung makes it easily accessible.

Tirta Gangga

The magnificent Tirta Gangga water palace was constructed in the early 20th century by the king of Karangasem. It is located in Karangasem, Indonesia. It boasts exquisitely manicured gardens, fountains, and pools filled with natural springs and surrounded by lush vegetation.

Amed Beach

Snorkeling and diving are two activities that attract many visitors to Amed Beach. The crystal-clear waters are home to various marine life, including vibrant coral reefs and schools of brightly colored tropical fish.


Candidasa is a sleepy fishing village on the coast of Bali that has a more relaxed vibe compared to other of the island’s more popular tourist spots. Beautiful beaches, intriguing local markets, and breathtaking landscapes are all available for guests.

Tenganan Village

Tenganan Village is one of the oldest villages on the island of Bali, and it is well-known for its rituals and ways of living that are distinctive and traditional. Visitors get the opportunity to participate in traditional rites and festivals and gain knowledge about the town’s history.

Pura Goa Lawah

The Goa Lawah Temple is a Hindu place of worship constructed around a cave home to hundreds upon thousands of bats. In addition to being renowned for its breathtaking coastal vistas, the temple is revered as a site of prayer by Hindus from all over Bali.

Ujung Water Palace

The King of Karangasem constructed the magnificent Ujung Water Palace in the early 20th century. It is known as one of Indonesia’s most beautiful palaces. It is characterized by picturesque gardens, ponds, and pavilions, all of which are positioned against the breathtaking background of Mount Agung.


Sidemen is a quaint community well-known for the breathtaking rice paddies that can be seen there. It is a traditional way of life. People are welcome to walk through the rice paddies, try traditional activities like weaving and farming, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the area.

Blue Lagoon Beach

Blue Lagoon Beach is a private beach with breathtaking emerald lakes and white sand vistas. It is a wonderful spot for swimming, snorkeling, and simply unwinding.

Pura Lempuyang

The breathtaking Hindu temple Pura Lempuyang can also be called the “Gateway to Heaven.” It can be found on the slopes of Mount Lempuyang in Bali. The temple has stairs that visitors can climb to reach the top, where they will be rewarded with beautiful views of the surrounding environment. The temple is also well known for its famous split-gate entrance, one of Bali’s most photographed places.

These are only some of the most popular places of interest that tourists flock to in East Bali. East Bali is a place that caters to a wide variety of visitors due to its varied array of activities, as well as its breathtaking natural beauty and cultural depth.

What is the best time of year to visit East Bali?

The best time of year to visit East Bali depends on your travel preferences and the activities you plan to do during your trip.

Generally, East Bali has a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season runs from April to September, while the rainy season runs from October to March.

If you’re looking for sunny weather and clear skies, the dry season is the best time to visit. During this time, you can expect warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine, making it ideal for hiking, exploring temples, and relaxing on the beaches.

However, it’s important to note that the dry season is also the busiest time of year for tourism in Bali. Popular destinations like Amed Beach and Candidasa can get crowded during peak season, and prices for accommodation and activities may be higher.

If you want to avoid crowds and save money, the rainy season can be a good time to visit. While you can expect some rain during this time, it typically comes in short bursts rather than prolonged periods of rainfall. Additionally, the rainy season can be a good time for activities like surfing, as the waves tend to be bigger during this time.

Overall, the best time to visit East Bali depends on your travel preferences and the activities you plan to do during your trip. The region’s stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and friendly people will enthrall you regardless of whether you visit during the dry or rainy seasons.

How can I get around East Bali?

Visitors can access a wide range of transportation choices, making moving about the island’s east side reasonably simple. The following are some of the most prevalent modes of transportation in East Bali:

Renting a Scooter or Motorcycle

Renting a scooter or motorcycle is among the most common ways for visitors to move around Bali. You can rent one for approximately 50,000 to 70,000 IDR daily, or approximately $3 to $5. It is a wonderful way to explore the countryside at your own pace. However, it is essential to remember that the traffic in Bali may be extremely chaotic; therefore, you should always wear a helmet and ride with extreme caution.

Hiring a Driver

Hiring a driver is another common choice for those interested in exploring East Bali. Suppose you do not feel comfortable riding a scooter or motorcycle or traveling with a large party. In that case, this is an excellent alternative for you to consider. You may hire a driver to transport you for approximately 500,000–700,000 IDR (35–50 USD) per day, and they can take you to the most popular attractions in the area.

Taking a Taxi

You can hail a taxi on East Bali streets or use a ride-hailing app like Grab to find and book a ride. Taxis are widely available. However, before you get in the car, you should discuss the fare with the driver so that you don’t end up paying more than you should have.

Using Public Transport

Although Bali’s public transportation system is not quite as established as in other parts of Indonesia, several options are still available for getting around. Buses and bemos (shared minivans) are the most prevalent kinds of public transit, and they can be inexpensive to get from one place to another. However, there is the possibility that they will be crowded and uncomfortable.


Cycling is a terrific choice if you’re seeking a more physically demanding way to tour East Bali. You may rent a bike for approximately 50,000 to 70,000 IDR (three to five US dollars) per day, and there are many beautiful paths to explore in the area. It is important to remember that the roads in Bali may often be winding and difficult, so it is advisable to stick to places with less traffic.

Visitors have access to different transportation modes, making it quite simple for them to move about East Bali while they are here. Exploring this breathtaking part of Bali is likely to be an experience that is both memorable and delightful for you, regardless of whether you decide to hire a driver, rent a scooter, or make use of the public transportation system.

What are some traditional Balinese dishes to try in East Bali?

The flavors of Indonesian, Chinese, and Indian cooking are all brought together in East Bali’s one-of-a-kind food, which is famous worldwide. The following is a selection of traditional Balinese foods that can be enjoyed in East Bali:


Traditional Lawar cuisine from Bali can be made with ground meat or vegetables, coconut, various spices, and fresh herbs. It is typically served with rice and is well-known for having a rich and complex flavor.

Babi Guling

Suckling pig, also known as Babi Guling, is a traditional dish in Bali often reserved for important events such as weddings and religious rituals. The pig is split down the middle and stuffed with the spice mixture before being roasted over an open flame until crispy and soft.

Sate Lilit

A variation of satay known as sate lilit is prepared by mixing minced beef, coconut, and other spices. After being wrapped around a stick of lemongrass and roasted to a beautiful brown, the pork combination is served.

Nasi Campur

Rice is the main component of the popular Balinese cuisine known as nasi campur, which also comes with a selection of other accompaniments, such as satay, vegetables, and sambal. (spicy sauce).

Bebek Betutu

The meal known as Bebek Betutu is prepared using a slow cooking method. The duck is first marinated in a combination of spices and herbs, then wrapped in banana leaves, and finally roasted over hot embers. The result is a dish that is both tasty and soft, and it is one that visitors to Bali have to experience.

Pisang Goreng

Pisang Goreng, or fried bananas, is a famous dish in Bali. After being dipped in a batter of rice flour, coconut milk, and sugar, the bananas are cooked in oil until golden brown.

Bubur Injin

In Bali, a popular dessert option is bubur injin, a sweet rice pudding made with black rice. It is a dessert made of black glutinous rice, coconut milk, and palm sugar. It is topped with fresh banana slices and shredded coconut.

East Bali is a wonderful region to visit if you want to try traditional Bali dishes. Rich flavors and unusual components characterize Balinese cuisine. You will undoubtedly be amazed by these aspects of the cuisine whether you try Lawar, Babi Guling, or Sate Lilit.

Can I go snorkeling or diving in East Bali, and where are the best spots?

Yes, you can go snorkeling and diving in East Bali. The region offers several fantastic locations to discover underwater biodiversity. The following are some of the best locations in East Bali for scuba diving and snorkeling:


Amed is a small fishing village located on the northeast coast of Bali. It is well-known for the exceptional diving and snorkeling areas that can be found there. The region is home to numerous coral reefs and species of marine life, some of which include schools of brightly colored fish, turtles, and even reef sharks.


Tulamben is noted for its shipwreck, the USAT Liberty, which is now covered in coral and is home to various marine life. Tulamben is a famous diving site in East Bali and is recognized for its shipwreck. In addition, the region is home to a thriving coral reef, making it an excellent location for snorkeling and other water sports.


Candidasa is a town on the coast of East Bali that features some excellent locations for snorkeling and diving. Angelfish, parrotfish, and barracuda are just some of the species of marine life that can be found in this area, which is also home to a vibrant coral reef.

Padang Bai

Padang Bai is a small town located on the eastern coast of Bali. It is famous for the Blue Lagoon, home to some of Bali’s best spots for snorkeling and diving. It is common to spot sea turtles and reef sharks while snorkeling or diving in this region, in addition to the vibrant fish and coral that call it home.

Gili Tepekong

Gili Tepekong is a small island in the waters off East Bali’s coast known for having excellent diving opportunities. The region is well-known for its powerful currents, which allow visitors to observe larger marine species, such as whale sharks and manta rays.

There are many great places to snorkel and scuba dive in East Bali, such as the shipwreck in Tulamben and the coral reefs in Amed and Candidasa. You are guaranteed to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience during your underwater journey in East Bali, regardless of whether you are a seasoned scuba diver or simply looking to give snorkeling a shot for the first time.

What cultural events or festivals happen in East Bali?

The region of East Bali is home to a diverse and robust culture, and the region hosts some cultural celebrations and events during the year. The following is a list of some of the most well-known cultural events and festivals that take place in East Bali:

Galungan and Kuningan

Galungan and Kuningan are considered two of the most significant festivals held in Bali, and both are honored across the island in all of its regions, including East Bali. The beginning of the Balinese calendar is known as Galungan, and during this time, it is thought that the souls of ancestors will come back down to earth. On the tenth day, the festival is officially over with the celebration of Kuningan. During these celebrations, Hindus in Bali would deck up their homes with brightly colored bamboo poles and make offerings to the gods and their ancestors.

Tenganan Festival

East Bali’s Tenganan is a traditional village that is well-known for the distinctive traditions and culture that it upholds. The hamlet organizes a yearly celebration to honor its customs and traditions. One is the well-known “Perang Pandan” or “Mekare-Kare” dance, a traditional form of combat. The festival is held every year in June, and it provides attendees with a fantastic opportunity to learn about the distinctive culture of Tenganan.

Buda Cemeng Klawu

In the month of Saka, people in the area celebrate Buda Cemeng Klawu, a Balinese Hindu holiday. At this time, Hindus in Bali make sacrifices to Dewi Sri, the goddess of agriculture, hoping that she will bless them with a bountiful harvest. The event is observed throughout Bali, especially in East Bali and beyond.

Usaba Sambah

The Usaba Sambah is a traditional celebration that is celebrated in a number of the communities that make up East Bali. The festival is a time to express gratitude to the gods and ancestors for the blessings they have bestowed upon humanity. Traditional dances and offerings made to the gods highlight this expression of gratitude.

Ngembak Geni

The completion of the Galungan and Kuningan festivals in Bali is commemorated with the celebration of Ngembak Geni, a Hindu feast. It is a time when families join together to pay their respects at their ancestors’ graves and celebrate the festival’s completion by feasting and dancing traditionally.

In general, East Bali hosts many cultural celebrations and events throughout the year. East Bali has a rich culture that you can enjoy in many ways, from the important Balinese Hindu festivals Galungan and Kuningan to the unique customs of Tenganan hamlet.

Are there any trekking or hiking trails in East Bali?

To answer your question, yes, East Bali is home to some hiking and trekking routes, many of which provide breathtaking vistas of the natural features and landscapes. The following is a selection of East Bali’s most well-known hiking and trekking routes:

Mount Agung

Mount Agung, which has an elevation of 3,142 meters (10,308 feet) above mean sea level, is the highest point on the island of Bali. The ascent is strenuous, but it is more than worth it for the stunning vistas that await you at the top. The hike is around seven to eight hours long and should only be done by those with previous hiking experience.

Mount Batur

Mount Batur is another mountain in East Bali frequently visited by hikers. The hike takes about two to three hours to complete and provides breathtaking views of the sceneries in the surrounding area, including the caldera and lake of Batur.

Tirta Gangga Waterfall

A breathtaking waterfall known as Tirta Gangga may be found in the East Bali community of Ababi. The hike to the waterfall takes around forty-five minutes and provides breathtaking views of the rice fields and woodlands that are in the area.

Sidemen Valley

The stunning Sidemen Valley can be found in East Bali and is well-known for the magnificent landscapes and traditional settlements that can be seen there. There are some hiking trails nearby, and some of them give you amazing views of the valley and the land around it.

Lempuyang Hill

Lempuyang Hill is a sacred mountain that can be found in East Bali. It is well-known for its stunning temple and its panoramic views of the landscapes surrounding it. The ascent to the peak takes approximately two to three hours. It is rated as having a moderate level of difficulty.

East Bali is generally home to a wide selection of hiking and trekking routes suitable for adventurers of all skill levels. There’s plenty for everyone to do in East Bali, whether you’re searching for a strenuous climb up Mount Agung or a relaxing stroll through the breathtaking Sidemen Valley.

What are some good places to stay in East Bali?

East Bali has many places to stay, from cheap guesthouses to luxurious resorts. The following are some of the more well-known locations to stay in East Bali:


Many lodgings in the Amed area are geared toward scuba diving and snorkeling due to the city’s popularity as a destination for these water sports. In addition, there are some guesthouses and hotels in the middle price range to choose from in Amed.


Candidasa is a beach town known for its easygoing vibe and wide range of places to stay, from cheap guesthouses to luxurious resorts. The majority of Candidasa’s lodging options come with breathtaking vistas of the surrounding water.


Even though it is not located in East Bali, Ubud is a trendy place to visit since it is close to many of the attractions in East Bali. Ubud is home to many places, from simple guesthouses to five-star resorts and everything in between.


Sidemen is a breathtaking valley that can be found in East Bali and provides a tranquil escape from the commotion and crowds that can be found in more favored regions. Sidemen is home to several lodging options, many of which provide breathtaking panoramas over the valley and the area around it.

Mount Agung

There are some places to stay around Mount Agung and the surrounding area for vacationers looking for an unforgettable experience. These accommodations are ideal for individuals who wish to hike Mount Agung because they provide stunning views of the scenery in the surrounding area and are located in a convenient location.

In general, East Bali has a wide range of lodging options available to accommodate a variety of preferences and budgets. There’s something for everyone in East Bali, whether you’re searching for a guesthouse in Amed, that’s easy on your wallet or a resort in Candidasa with amenities and services.

Is it safe to travel to East Bali?

In general, East Bali is regarded as a secure place to visit. To safeguard their safety, passengers should take a few measures as they would at any other location.

Natural Disasters

East Bali is an area that is prone to earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and tsunamis. Travelers should stay current on the situation and heed local authorities’ recommendations.


Even though East Bali typically has low crime rates, visitors should take security measures to guard against theft and pickpocketing. It’s wise to keep valuables safe, not carry large amounts of cash, and be aware of your surroundings.


In some areas of East Bali, especially during the busiest travel season, traffic can be congested. When crossing the street, drivers should be careful and conscious of traffic laws.


Travelers should take steps to avoid mosquito-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue fever. Wearing long sleeves, using insect repellent, and staying in places with mosquito nets are all wise choices.

Cultural Awareness

Bali is an island with a sizeable Hindu population. Thus, visitors should respect its traditions and beliefs. When visiting temples and other holy locations, it’s a good practice to dress modestly and ask permission before photographing people.

In conclusion, even though East Bali is typically a safe place to visit, tourists should exercise caution and be aware of any potential risks when visiting the region.

How can I learn more about the history and culture of East Bali during my visit?

There are various options accessible to you if you want to learn more about East Bali’s history and culture while you’re there. Here are a few ideas:

Visit Local Temples

Several significant Hindu temples, such as Pura Lempuyang, Pura Besakih, and Pura Goa Lawah, may be found in East Bali. These temples are an excellent site to learn more about the history of the island and provide a glimpse into Bali’s religious and cultural traditions.

Attend in Cultural Events

East Bali has a number of cultural events, such as gamelan music concerts and performances of traditional Balinese dance. The chance to learn more about Balinese culture and history is provided by these performances.

Visit Museums

In East Bali, there are a number of museums with exhibits on local history and culture. A fantastic location to start is the Bali Museum in Denpasar, which provides a thorough overview of Bali’s history and culture.

Join a Guided Tour

East Bali is home to a number of tour operators that provide escorted excursions throughout the area. These trips can be customised to your interests and offer insightful information about the region’s history and culture.

Visit Traditional Villages

Several traditional villages in East Bali provide a look into Balinese country life. Tenganan, Penglipuran, and Trunyan are a few well-liked villages to visit.

Overall, there are numerous opportunities to discover more about East Bali’s history and culture while there. You’re likely to leave with a stronger understanding of the area’s rich history and culture whether you decide to visit nearby temples, watch cultural events, or go on a guided tour.

Category: Travel Guide

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